

I believe anything is possible through the power of the media. It is my passion to create these possibilities for your business and others by sharing the right stories in the press. But so often we choose to hide what we have to offer from those who need to hear from us most.

When you show up with palms wide open with the right support in place and someone who believes in your products and services as much as you do – press possibilities become infinite.


"Publicity is absolutely critical. A good PR story is infinitely more critical than a front page ad." - Richard Branson


I see you’re over all the smoke and mirrors that usually comes with the media. But you’ve got something really cool to share with the press and you want to hand it over to a PR team who value honesty, commitment and integrity and creating change in the world.

Are you ready to say ‘yes’ to getting more visible than ever with your business? Perhaps the following sounds like you:

  • Your business is already thriving but you know it’s ready for so much more and you’re not here to play small!

  • You know you’re the expert in your field but you don’t know how to get the press calling you up as their expert for relevant news stories

  • You’re frustrated seeing products similar to yourself in magazines you know you should also being seen in.

  • You have a book proposal for your dream publisher and you know you need PR to seal the deal but you’re not sure how to seal the deal.

But you’ve been holding yourself back because you’re not sure you’re ‘ready’ yet. Yet you’re not sure how many times you can see peers being featured in media opportunities when you know deep down they’re perfect for you too. And the idea of working with a PR agency that doesn’t embody your values brings you out hives. So you’ve stayed stuck in your small story hoping someone will call you up to feature you and your business in your dream media opportunity. This is that call. Are you going to pick up or hide?


What if I told you all of these things could happen for you?


  • Products worn by National TV personalities on holiday and picked up by Mail Online

  • Interviewed on World Mental Health Day by BBC World News on your views on mental health

  • Your 1st Huffington Post blog post goes to the front page ‘featured’ posts and then goes viral! 

  • You have a meeting with the Editor of British Vogue to discuss a feature on your spiritual business coaching

  • You’re interviewed by The Sunday Times on your new book and it’s now on Amazon’s best-seller list

  • Your retreat is featured in Psychologies retreat roundup and you now have a waiting list

SPOILER ALERT: This has in fact happened for Well Spirited PR clients


We work with clients who have not only overcome their fears of the media but shattered all their limiting beliefs around whether their story and business is of interest to the press. The truth is – now is the time to be sharing heart centred businesses in the press. We are working in a time where people need to hear and see more from businesses. Now is not the time to be hiding.

If you want to find out if you’re ready or what possibilities could be available to you through PR then please do book your 90-minute PR Brainstorm today.

Well Spirited Publicity is a new kind of PR available to small businesses who have more to offer and say than your average brand. It’s not a ‘one size, fits all’ traditional PR agency approach. This is a client-led experience whereby we’re very much on your journey with you, working with you on any blocks you may previously had around getting visible. We work with a small number of handpicked brands and businesses where we feel a genuine connection with the work you do.




Work with Publicist, Suzie Bartle,  on this powerful PR programme and expect to be blown away by the opportunities that’ll unfold and growth you’ll see in your business.

Clients seen and featured in:


The Well Spirited 90-minute PR Brainstorm package is as unique as you are and includes the following:

  • Pre-session questionnaire with assignment to prepare us both for maximium benefit of our time together.

  • A 90-minute 1:1 intensive together via Zoom

  • You can look forward to: learning how the media works, finding your unique media-friendly story with confidence and share your message and mission with the world!

  • Well Spirited PR will help you to start your own PR, however we will not be representing you and your business in the media with this package. We will be supporting you to go off and do this for yourself.

  • In this 90- minute session Suzie Bartle, Founder of Well Spirited PR, will unpick your business needs and brainstorm a plan for you to take you forwards and to unlock your businesses PR potential.


Investment: £350

“Working with Well Spirited on our PR makes our future seem super exciting and big things seem possible!”-Kate Scott, Founder of To Dive For


  • You're not open to the idea that someone else could have fresh new ideas for your business

  • Your main motivation for PR is to become famous in a way that only serves your ego

  • You want to invest in PR for solely sales reults

  • You don't want to truly get visible

  • You expect overnight results

  • You don't want to create a positive impact through your business


  • You know you need PR but you’re not sure where to start

  • You have aspirations to become an expert or leader in your industry

  • You're a conscious brand or entrepreneur

  • You seek to share your work with the world as far as you can

  • You're ready to delegate the work you know in your heart isn’t your zone of genius

  • You want to make a difference to other people’s lives through the use of the media

  • You are ready to get really visible and are palms open to all the opportunities that come from that

  • You want to build and grow your following



A final note…


If you have reached this point in the page you’re really craving taking your business to the next level through the power of publicity.

Are you ready to share listen to that dream of sharing your business in the media despite the fears? Don’t keep hiding yourself and your business from all those people craving to hear about you.

We need you to step into the limelight more than ever. There’s an appetitie out there for conscious businesses and for people to hear about a better way than before. If people don’t hear or see about you they won’t know you exist. And the only person who decides that is you. This is your choice whether you go big or not.

You can keep on keeping yourself small and unknown but who does that serve? You or your potential dream customers or clients? Nobody.

You only need to visit the newsagents to see how there’s a desperate need to change the media landscape by filling it with world-changing products and people. That’s you by the way!

Imagine how it would feel to have people write to you tell you they’ve been searching for you for years and hearing your story really helped them feel less alone? What if you answered a problem someone has been trying to solve for years but no one knew you’d created the solution.

Clients of ours have sold out of products, been found by dream clients, got book deals, had their products worn by well-known media influencers, been interviewed by experts on international TV and more. The difference between them and you – the choice to share your work.

Are you ready to start really going big and following you biggest dreams for your business and life? I want to hear from you.

I can’t wait to see what incredible things we can create together.


Suzie x

So you’re in then? Dam right you are!

Please fill in in your details below and press the magic button to process your payment. Then a member of the Well Spirited PR team will be in touch to book you in for your PR Brainstorm and making this dream a reality! 


Got a question? Please email Suzie@wellspiritedpr.co and we’ll do our best to answer within 48 hours.